The Anti-Doping Commission was established in accordance with the Law on Amendments to the Law on Sports (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, no. 44/18 and 123/21), the Decision of the Government of Montenegro at the session on March 31, 2022, as a legal a person independent in his work.

The establishment of the Commission represents the foundation of new legislation in the field of sports, which contributes to setting standards in the field of anti-doping in Montenegro that correspond to the highest European and world standards, as well as to provide athletes with fair conditions for development, progress and competitiveness.

During the establishment of the Commission, harmonization was made with international recommendations and requirements of WADA {World Anti-Doping Agency}, having in mind that it was founded with priority tasks to enable the implementation of anti-doping activities in a highly professional and responsible manner throughout the entire range of jurisdiction, together with other institutions in Montenegro.


The managing bodies of the Commission are the Council and the director.


Dr. Aleksandar Kujović, President of the Council

Dr. Aleksandar Radović, member of the Council

Jovanka Radičević, member of the Council



Dr. Olivera Prodanović